Saturday, May 14, 2011

Project : How to...

1 . How to - Be a Game Master.

Who am i - Game's Lecture
Who is she/he - Player
What for - Top 1 gamers in the world
1st task - Learning the basic system of the game. (3-5 steps)
2nd task - Research information for the game. (1-4 steps)
3rd task - Practice, keep playing and competitive with others. (1-4 steps)
Outcome - A game master is born.
Showcase - Gallery.

2. How to - Save Money.

Who am i - Consumer
What is it - Money
What for - For better usage
1st task - Money Management. (2-5 steps)
2nd task - Set savings goals and open saving account. (1-4 steps)
3rd task - Don't get discouraged and don't give up. (1-4 steps)
Outcome - Enough money for better usage.
Showcase -  Gallery.

3. How to - Make Bubble Tea.

Who am i - Bartender
What it is - Bubble tea
What for - Nice refreshment for everyone.
1st task - Gather the materials (3-5 steps)
2nd task - Choose the flavor  (1-4 steps)
3rd task - The process of mixing all ingredient (1-4 steps)
4th task - Ready to serve (1-3 steps)
Outcome - Tasty bubble tea is ready.
Showcase - Gallery

1 comment:

  1. I'm fine with all three ideas, it's up to you to choose which one you prefer to make it to your website.
    However, if you choose the first one, the title should be more focus, such as how to be a game master for one single game, e.g. Maple, Counter Strike, dota, etc...

